Tuesday 29 November 2011

My Action Adventure Film (Concept)

Summary - A teenage girl has lost her dad and he has vanished. He had gone missing and nobody noes where he is. A gang of guys (villains) took him. The girl is then called into action by the british spy agency. The teenager already had experience when it came to combat and intelligence which was taught by her dad. The villains are targeting the Olympic Ceremony and the agency are aware of this. The girl joins the gang through an interview and she is accepted. However a gang member, is suspicious of her but she is suspicious of him. Later on behind closed doors, she confronts him and they both know that they are spies. Although, the guy is an american spy and the girl is a british spy. They are on the same mission but they work for different agencies.
There is a race against time, the opening ceremony is soon to happen. The two spies both think they are targeting the opening ceremony. In her mind she thinks her dad was in the same situation and mission as her. The two spies are suspicious of one guy and so they both chase him however, the bad guy kills himself. The british spy agency find out and so she blew her cover because she was over excited running after the guy who killed her dad most likely and this wasn't professional. They then told her to take a break but she refuses and she then assists and help the american spy because his agency is not aware and so his mission is still active. They track the gang who are planning in the penthouse that overlooks the Olympic Stadium. However, her father is in the penthouse who is helping the gang plan the plot. When she confronts them, they managed to get hold of her dad and the dad says that he was pretending to help to destroy the plan but a fight occurs and in the cases of that her dad dies. The english spy agency then came to the scene and said that they underestimated her and that her father would have been proud. Now, the Olympic Stadium and Ceremony is saved.

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