Sunday 22 April 2012

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As part of my media research, I uploaded a nearly finished introduction.
What I did was using Web 2.0 - Youtube, I got peoples opinions on the following questions I asked :

1) Would this appeal to an american audience? Why?
2) Whats your impression of the female hero?
3) Would you watch the rest of this film? Why?

Here are the sort of responses i got from this carried out research :

1) I think it could potentially interest an American audience due to the fact its a introduction to an action/adventure film based on an 'agent' legitimately after the villain around the time of the London 2012 Olympics?
2)Professional and clearly experienced within her job roll.
3)I would, just to see how it all unfolds.

1-I think this would interest an american audience as it contains action (being a spy film) and mystery which seems very interesting. Also, the olympics is a international event and so there would be a greater appeal for an american audience due to them actually participating in the events.
2-Experieced and strong willing character.
3-Yes most definitely, in order to see what happens next!
1) American's would love this film! It promises action, drama, mystery and suspense; as well as having two good looking English actors in it. American's love the English accent.
2) Diverse, resilient and not afraid of a challenge.
3) Yes! I look forward to seeing some special effects and explosions! 
(6 print screens for 3 answers)

1. Well, America IS the market for all films these days and everything that stands firm there will get a hold in any other countries as well. Truth is also told by EmaT1994, Olympics is worldwide and Americans are wide supporters of all their international shows of superiority, an Olympics game would have a huge lot of famous sportsmen and women of theirs, the final ceremony is usually an exotic and explosive element of the huge event and a terrorist pot always justifies some action and fun.
1 continued: It could be a very big youth film if not taken too seriously. The possibilities are there, definitely: a young setting in a very fresh new view of London, something that needs to be shown off, a situation where a grand countdown is inevitable, and love and fun are always at the disposal of the creative...
2. Typically misfit for the role, but nevertheless trendy and hs a sense of seriousness. Well this is just the sum of it but it tells most of the truths appearing on the screen.
Anyone just vaguely knowledgeable in the ubject would say the heroine does not look like someone fit for the role. Not in the most literal sense of fit(ness) and definitely not in the sense of communication thorough the scenes...

2 continued: However the XXI century youth and style is there on the screen, and everyone can be everything on TV. The success will not be judged by the realistic values, but by the message that is delivered and most importantly how is it delivered.
The strong willed appearance radiates through the scenes which has the heroine on: this could be a doubleedged sword: if taken into comedic levels this characteristic could be the fuel for a huge lot of fun but take it too serious the film will fail.
3. I would watch definitely for my own specific reason: it could be a textbook example and also a good practical example for a developing critic. It would definitely have its inevitable "amateur" problems while displaying creativity paired with the modern technical solutions available for most of us, and it could also tell grand novels worth of tales about how the today's young person sees the world, where are their focuses and where are their blind spots in the topics that are linkable to media.
3 cont: From a wiewer's wiewpoint, I would probably watch it to see where the style is going. If it gives a good laugh it would be nice to watch, but youth media in certain topics, sadly, as an example of deeply rooted and unadapting social norms, just cannot cope with the levels of the reality and seriousness of the given situation. Would that be possible to show a mortally wounded person explicitly in this genre? Would it be any succesful a try to drop in the simple question "Why?"
1. Yes this would interest an american audience as well as more nations around the world as the olympics is a worldwide event and this movie seems to be very entertaining with a lot going on which engages the audiences all around!
2. strong willed, and a mysterious character, and careful about what she does.
3. Yes i would definitely watch the rest of the film to find out all the hidden secrets unrevealed! suspense and excitement! 

Market Research Questionnaire

Favourite movie genre? (12 people asked) 
Action - 4 people (WINNER)
Romantic Comedy - 3 people
Comedy - 3 people
Drama - 1 person
Horror - 1 person

Least favourite movie genre? (12 people asked) 
Romantic Comedy - 4 person (WINNER)
Historical - 3 people
Sci-fi - 3 people
Horror - 1 person
Thriller 1 person

What makes you go and watch the film? (12 people asked) 
Trailer - 9 people (WINNER)
Poster - 1 person
Reviews - 1 person
Cast - 1 person

The main actor influences people to watch the film!
Favourite actors -

  • Johnny Depp (2)
  • Colin Firth
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Gerard Butler
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Daniel Craig
  • Zach Galifianakis
  • Brad Pitt
  • Robert De Niro
  • Jim Carrey
English or American films? (12 people asked)

English - 6 people
American - 4 people
Both - 2 people

The most popular classification that was watched was (15).

From my research, I have questioned people aged from 15-60. I have found that some boys like action and some girls like romantic comedies, however it varies.
The majority of them like a film that is action as well english. Also, i have noticed that many prefer an introduction that doesn't tell the story straight away.
A lot of people also believe that 3D doesn't make you enjoy the movie more.

Most Loved but Hated films-

Wordle: Loved but Hated Films

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