Sunday 22 April 2012

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Here is a plan of the 'The Final Ceremony' film premiere :
The film premiere will happen a month before the olympic opening ceremony.
The plan above shows three different viewers ; The Paparazzi, Fans and V.I.P Winners.

  1. The Paparazzi will be allocated a 75 metre section to take pictures of the Cast but also some famous Olympians like Kelly Holmes and Usain Bolt will also make there appearance in their sportswear. The Paparazzi will be be ideal because it will act as a marketing tool when the pictures are published in both magazines and online.
  2. The Fans will be allocated to a section that has around 200 metres of the 'running track'. This is an ideal opportunity for our fans to get close to our stars. This therefore acts as a kind of 'word of mouth marketing' because they can take pictures with the stars. Then this will lead to lots of people viewing the pictures on social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook which will hopefully boost the reputation of the film.
  3. The V.I.P Winners will be allocated a 75 metre section near the end. This is an opportunity given by us to allow the winners to ask questions as well as guaranteed pictures with the stars as well as autographs. Some of the V.I.P Winners would have applied through competitions but some would have paid for that access. This section is good because it gives us secured funding for this event to take place.
This film premiere will be the first but different to others. This is because we are taking the famous 'red carpet' out of the equation to make the film stand out with the help of the press. We are doing something unique, the 'red carpet' is in fact carpet however, it is orange which is also the exact same size as a 400 metre track.
The film premiere will hopefully gather in some sponsorships to raise money towards our budget. For example, Orange 'the telecommunications corporation' would seek a great opportunity in sponsoring the event due to the main event is the colour 'orange' but also they want to get into film and this has been seen over the years with the BAFTAS. With their help we can also get some of their customers the opportunity to be in the V.I.P section. Other than Orange, there is also room for other sponsorships.

This is a latest cinema gold spot advertisement, this shows Orange want to work alongside the film industry. They also have many other adverts and this is one example.

Finally, how the event will be run-

It will start at 19:45 when the cast and olympians arrive but gates will be open from 18.00. This will give fans the opportunity to buy some merchandise and enter draws to get signed memorabilia.
When the cast and olympians arrive, they will be given a 45 minute slot to walk the 400 metres ; posing for pictures, signing autographs and interviews with MTV and other Television shows. Then at 20.30 the cast will go to watch the first screening of 'The Final Ceremony' while the olympians talk to the V.I.P winners and other fans.
After the screening, the cast will come out to pose behind a big white board, where the main sponsorships brand is scattered on the white board. This will publicise our movie but also it will benefit the sponsorships from the advertisement.

Press Junket -

The Final Ceremony will also hold a press junket. This would allow the press to interview our cast and directors.
The press junket will be held in London because we don't want to spend too much money having it abroad in a luxurious location. However, having it in London also means we can have extra space for the press junket. As well as having the interview rooms, we will also have a press conference at the beginning where all the cast and directors attend.
This press junket will be good for our film due to the fact it will act as a marketing tool. The press will be publishing their feedback either online or in magazines or even on the TV. Having a press junket is vital for the film, it will extend our publicity in which we hope to gain more viewers from this. Most of our advertising budget will be spent on this but it will be best spent because it is important for any film to have a press junket.

To have a press junket in place, we would need the help of Special Treats and they are Europe's leading junket production company. They have worked with all the major film companies including Universal, Paramount, Disney and Sony. Special Treats will be able to make our Press Junket run smoothly with their help in both design and lighting.

The Press Junket will have to be at a high standard. The press will be expecting a luxurious location. When the press receive the feedback from the day, we want our viewers to think we are a big film. We want to prove we have some money and that we care about our image.
Therefore, It will be in London and it will be held in a luxury 5* hotel. We have planned out the Press Junket and Special Treats will also help with the plan.

(Below) is what the plan would look like -
Overall, the Press Junket is vital for our promotion. It gives the press the chance to interview our cast and directors. If all goes well and no mistakes occur, then we should also see an increase in the amount of viewers and box office figures.
(Below) is also my answer to how i attracted my audience - 

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