Sunday 22 April 2012

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies I had used were -
  1. Macbook Pro
  2. iMovie
  3. GarageBand
  4. Camera
  5. iPad 2
  6. Youtube and Web 2.0
    With the Macbook Pro I was able to access applications such as iMovie and GarageBand. I used my Macbook to help upload my footage as well editing on it and creating music. The Macbook also helped me write on my blog.
    iMovie was a good editing tool. It helped me gather my raw footage and from this, I was able to use the editing tools to create my 2 minute introduction. I learn't some new techniques such as extracting audio onto clips, creating a sound bridge and other special effects for the film.
    GarageBand was a good software to use when creating my own music soundtrack. There were many types of sounds to choose from and I had gone for a themes and strings approach. I had never used GarageBand before but after using it, I feel that I have gained some extra knowledge with producing sounds and that I feel comfortable with creating my own music. It was hard at first but I managed to get the hang of it through trial and error.
    The Camea was key towards my film, I used a Camera other than a Film Camera because it was portable but also its cinematography was a lot nicer. This had a zooming feature while filming which was needed for some parts of my film and also the focus came in handy. 
    The iPad 2. This was good because it allowed me to (like my Macbook) edit with iMovie but also I was able to do my coursework on this such as the Blog. This also allowed me to do some drawing for my blog such as 'the planning' for Question 5.
    Finally, the help of Youtube and Web 2.0 for my media research. This allowed me to put up my 'nearly finished' product on Youtube and I got responses from people around the UK. This was good because it means the viewers could see my film and then answer the questions listed. Also Web 2.0 in general was good, this allowed me to use my blog, upload on youtube and to help find my film research at the beginning. 

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