Sunday 22 April 2012

My Media Film


Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?


Moby - Music

  • He is known mainly for his sample-based electronic music.
  • Moby also had his song "Extreme Ways" used in the Bourne movies. 
  • Although it wasn't a hit when released, "Extreme Ways" has gone on to become one of Moby's most-downloaded songs. This was due to the synergy that promoted the song from the Bourne movies.
  • Moby - Extreme Ways (Bourne's Ultimatum)

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Mission Impossible 2

The opening is of an acceptance of a mission but also it is set in a very luxurious location like many other action films.

James Bond - Die Another Day

In the film Die Another Day and near the beginning of the film we can see Gustav Graves make his entrance in a Union Jack themed parachute. The shots show the idea of it being set in London, you can see the Thames, The Gherkin and even Buckingham Palace as well as London as a whole from birds-eye view. These therefore, give a real insight of what London is like and this shows its 'Britishness'
Snapshots from the film are as followed :-


  • Use of real radio broadcast and so this gives it urgency as well as a realist semi-documentary. This is because the commentary used in the background of The Final Ceremony is extracted from a House of Commons Speech but also from a BBC broadcast.

I extracted some parts of the Audio for my film.. 
These clips were taken at 1:37-1:48 and at 2:26-2:42
  • The music was influenced by Moby however, it is different. Instead of a continuous piece, there is three distinctive elements synchronised within the sequence. For example, the pace is slow at first but then gradually gets faster with the support of strumming violins. This is to build tension and to show the feelings of what goes through the female protagonists head at the time.
  • The female protagonist has a back story and so there is psychological complexity. She is in conflict with the world that she inherited by her father and the flashbacks introduce this. She comes across as more of a street person and someone who doesn't have the class and status of the BSA director. We therefore want her to become part of that class but she is at a young age and so it can't  be as expected of and so overall, she does come across as different.
  • It is based on a real event, the 'Olympics 2012' and this isn't necessarily the norm in many action films. It is quite rare to have an action film that is based purely on a real event that is about to occur.


  • The female protagonist can be described as credible, realist and young. This therefore, challenges the conventions of a female action hero.
  • My female protagonist is almost like Gina Carano who plays a beautiful freelance covert operative. She is hired out by her handler to various global entities to perform jobs and in one scene, she needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape an international manhunt. My film however, challenges this representation. We still have an action hero who is female but the female protagonist isn't turned into a masculine type. I wanted a female protagonist who was tough but reserved and feminine. The original idea was that she was going to be one of the Occupy protestors. The research I had carried out about the female protagonist when the film was in production made me construct her as a psychologically complex heroine. The flashback of the boxing sequence presents her relationship with her father rather than making her look 'bad ass'.

  • The relationship with patriarchy is double edged or contradictory and she confirms this by being like her father and the audience wants her to be like this too. The twist at the end challenges what the father stands for by undermining the ideal of the secret agent.
  • The terrorists reinforce the stereotype of a dangerous foreign gang who comes across as Russian and so they don't necessarily come from a Middle eastern territory like other action films/bomb plots.
    In Four Lions, the terrorists are more comic fools however, in my film they are more straight and serious. In this film, the terrorists want to bomb the London Marathon which is a huge event where as 'The Final Ceremony' is based on a bomb plot for the Olympic Ceremony.

  • The Marathon Scene at 1:12 - 1:30
  • The Cold Light of Day is a film that has a similar narrative. It is about a son whose father dies because he was rebellious spy, the son therefore has to retrieve something of importance. This is challenged because I am using a female protagonist,although her relationship with her father is still crucial. The research shows that the people know about the female protagonist and her role within 'The Final Ceremony'.

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • The BSA director - He is polite but powerful. He works in a flash office in central London.
  • The Father - He has no powers spelt out and so we can't see him.
  • The Working Class - Developers of the Olympics.
  • The Terrorists - They give an example of danger, they are the most stereotypical group. They are foreign as well as bad but there is a twist in the plot line.
  • The Female Protagonist - She is very low key and blends in with everyone. She comes across as psychologically interesting in the flashbacks.

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Two production companies -

Working Title
Weinstein Company

Films -

King Speech (British film)
Shifty (Low budget British film)
The Artist 

  • Narative British Audiences would watch this film on TV
  • The timing of the relase will be done a month prior to the official opening ceremony.

(Below) is a presentation of the Media Institutions that include my Production Companies as well as my ideal films that I wish to follow when considering my Promotion, Marketing and Distribution.

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As part of my media research, I uploaded a nearly finished introduction.
What I did was using Web 2.0 - Youtube, I got peoples opinions on the following questions I asked :

1) Would this appeal to an american audience? Why?
2) Whats your impression of the female hero?
3) Would you watch the rest of this film? Why?

Here are the sort of responses i got from this carried out research :

1) I think it could potentially interest an American audience due to the fact its a introduction to an action/adventure film based on an 'agent' legitimately after the villain around the time of the London 2012 Olympics?
2)Professional and clearly experienced within her job roll.
3)I would, just to see how it all unfolds.

1-I think this would interest an american audience as it contains action (being a spy film) and mystery which seems very interesting. Also, the olympics is a international event and so there would be a greater appeal for an american audience due to them actually participating in the events.
2-Experieced and strong willing character.
3-Yes most definitely, in order to see what happens next!
1) American's would love this film! It promises action, drama, mystery and suspense; as well as having two good looking English actors in it. American's love the English accent.
2) Diverse, resilient and not afraid of a challenge.
3) Yes! I look forward to seeing some special effects and explosions! 
(6 print screens for 3 answers)

1. Well, America IS the market for all films these days and everything that stands firm there will get a hold in any other countries as well. Truth is also told by EmaT1994, Olympics is worldwide and Americans are wide supporters of all their international shows of superiority, an Olympics game would have a huge lot of famous sportsmen and women of theirs, the final ceremony is usually an exotic and explosive element of the huge event and a terrorist pot always justifies some action and fun.
1 continued: It could be a very big youth film if not taken too seriously. The possibilities are there, definitely: a young setting in a very fresh new view of London, something that needs to be shown off, a situation where a grand countdown is inevitable, and love and fun are always at the disposal of the creative...
2. Typically misfit for the role, but nevertheless trendy and hs a sense of seriousness. Well this is just the sum of it but it tells most of the truths appearing on the screen.
Anyone just vaguely knowledgeable in the ubject would say the heroine does not look like someone fit for the role. Not in the most literal sense of fit(ness) and definitely not in the sense of communication thorough the scenes...

2 continued: However the XXI century youth and style is there on the screen, and everyone can be everything on TV. The success will not be judged by the realistic values, but by the message that is delivered and most importantly how is it delivered.
The strong willed appearance radiates through the scenes which has the heroine on: this could be a doubleedged sword: if taken into comedic levels this characteristic could be the fuel for a huge lot of fun but take it too serious the film will fail.
3. I would watch definitely for my own specific reason: it could be a textbook example and also a good practical example for a developing critic. It would definitely have its inevitable "amateur" problems while displaying creativity paired with the modern technical solutions available for most of us, and it could also tell grand novels worth of tales about how the today's young person sees the world, where are their focuses and where are their blind spots in the topics that are linkable to media.
3 cont: From a wiewer's wiewpoint, I would probably watch it to see where the style is going. If it gives a good laugh it would be nice to watch, but youth media in certain topics, sadly, as an example of deeply rooted and unadapting social norms, just cannot cope with the levels of the reality and seriousness of the given situation. Would that be possible to show a mortally wounded person explicitly in this genre? Would it be any succesful a try to drop in the simple question "Why?"
1. Yes this would interest an american audience as well as more nations around the world as the olympics is a worldwide event and this movie seems to be very entertaining with a lot going on which engages the audiences all around!
2. strong willed, and a mysterious character, and careful about what she does.
3. Yes i would definitely watch the rest of the film to find out all the hidden secrets unrevealed! suspense and excitement! 

Market Research Questionnaire

Favourite movie genre? (12 people asked) 
Action - 4 people (WINNER)
Romantic Comedy - 3 people
Comedy - 3 people
Drama - 1 person
Horror - 1 person

Least favourite movie genre? (12 people asked) 
Romantic Comedy - 4 person (WINNER)
Historical - 3 people
Sci-fi - 3 people
Horror - 1 person
Thriller 1 person

What makes you go and watch the film? (12 people asked) 
Trailer - 9 people (WINNER)
Poster - 1 person
Reviews - 1 person
Cast - 1 person

The main actor influences people to watch the film!
Favourite actors -

  • Johnny Depp (2)
  • Colin Firth
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Gerard Butler
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Daniel Craig
  • Zach Galifianakis
  • Brad Pitt
  • Robert De Niro
  • Jim Carrey
English or American films? (12 people asked)

English - 6 people
American - 4 people
Both - 2 people

The most popular classification that was watched was (15).

From my research, I have questioned people aged from 15-60. I have found that some boys like action and some girls like romantic comedies, however it varies.
The majority of them like a film that is action as well english. Also, i have noticed that many prefer an introduction that doesn't tell the story straight away.
A lot of people also believe that 3D doesn't make you enjoy the movie more.

Most Loved but Hated films-

Wordle: Loved but Hated Films

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Here is a plan of the 'The Final Ceremony' film premiere :
The film premiere will happen a month before the olympic opening ceremony.
The plan above shows three different viewers ; The Paparazzi, Fans and V.I.P Winners.

  1. The Paparazzi will be allocated a 75 metre section to take pictures of the Cast but also some famous Olympians like Kelly Holmes and Usain Bolt will also make there appearance in their sportswear. The Paparazzi will be be ideal because it will act as a marketing tool when the pictures are published in both magazines and online.
  2. The Fans will be allocated to a section that has around 200 metres of the 'running track'. This is an ideal opportunity for our fans to get close to our stars. This therefore acts as a kind of 'word of mouth marketing' because they can take pictures with the stars. Then this will lead to lots of people viewing the pictures on social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook which will hopefully boost the reputation of the film.
  3. The V.I.P Winners will be allocated a 75 metre section near the end. This is an opportunity given by us to allow the winners to ask questions as well as guaranteed pictures with the stars as well as autographs. Some of the V.I.P Winners would have applied through competitions but some would have paid for that access. This section is good because it gives us secured funding for this event to take place.
This film premiere will be the first but different to others. This is because we are taking the famous 'red carpet' out of the equation to make the film stand out with the help of the press. We are doing something unique, the 'red carpet' is in fact carpet however, it is orange which is also the exact same size as a 400 metre track.
The film premiere will hopefully gather in some sponsorships to raise money towards our budget. For example, Orange 'the telecommunications corporation' would seek a great opportunity in sponsoring the event due to the main event is the colour 'orange' but also they want to get into film and this has been seen over the years with the BAFTAS. With their help we can also get some of their customers the opportunity to be in the V.I.P section. Other than Orange, there is also room for other sponsorships.

This is a latest cinema gold spot advertisement, this shows Orange want to work alongside the film industry. They also have many other adverts and this is one example.

Finally, how the event will be run-

It will start at 19:45 when the cast and olympians arrive but gates will be open from 18.00. This will give fans the opportunity to buy some merchandise and enter draws to get signed memorabilia.
When the cast and olympians arrive, they will be given a 45 minute slot to walk the 400 metres ; posing for pictures, signing autographs and interviews with MTV and other Television shows. Then at 20.30 the cast will go to watch the first screening of 'The Final Ceremony' while the olympians talk to the V.I.P winners and other fans.
After the screening, the cast will come out to pose behind a big white board, where the main sponsorships brand is scattered on the white board. This will publicise our movie but also it will benefit the sponsorships from the advertisement.

Press Junket -

The Final Ceremony will also hold a press junket. This would allow the press to interview our cast and directors.
The press junket will be held in London because we don't want to spend too much money having it abroad in a luxurious location. However, having it in London also means we can have extra space for the press junket. As well as having the interview rooms, we will also have a press conference at the beginning where all the cast and directors attend.
This press junket will be good for our film due to the fact it will act as a marketing tool. The press will be publishing their feedback either online or in magazines or even on the TV. Having a press junket is vital for the film, it will extend our publicity in which we hope to gain more viewers from this. Most of our advertising budget will be spent on this but it will be best spent because it is important for any film to have a press junket.

To have a press junket in place, we would need the help of Special Treats and they are Europe's leading junket production company. They have worked with all the major film companies including Universal, Paramount, Disney and Sony. Special Treats will be able to make our Press Junket run smoothly with their help in both design and lighting.

The Press Junket will have to be at a high standard. The press will be expecting a luxurious location. When the press receive the feedback from the day, we want our viewers to think we are a big film. We want to prove we have some money and that we care about our image.
Therefore, It will be in London and it will be held in a luxury 5* hotel. We have planned out the Press Junket and Special Treats will also help with the plan.

(Below) is what the plan would look like -
Overall, the Press Junket is vital for our promotion. It gives the press the chance to interview our cast and directors. If all goes well and no mistakes occur, then we should also see an increase in the amount of viewers and box office figures.
(Below) is also my answer to how i attracted my audience - 

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies I had used were -
  1. Macbook Pro
  2. iMovie
  3. GarageBand
  4. Camera
  5. iPad 2
  6. Youtube and Web 2.0
    With the Macbook Pro I was able to access applications such as iMovie and GarageBand. I used my Macbook to help upload my footage as well editing on it and creating music. The Macbook also helped me write on my blog.
    iMovie was a good editing tool. It helped me gather my raw footage and from this, I was able to use the editing tools to create my 2 minute introduction. I learn't some new techniques such as extracting audio onto clips, creating a sound bridge and other special effects for the film.
    GarageBand was a good software to use when creating my own music soundtrack. There were many types of sounds to choose from and I had gone for a themes and strings approach. I had never used GarageBand before but after using it, I feel that I have gained some extra knowledge with producing sounds and that I feel comfortable with creating my own music. It was hard at first but I managed to get the hang of it through trial and error.
    The Camea was key towards my film, I used a Camera other than a Film Camera because it was portable but also its cinematography was a lot nicer. This had a zooming feature while filming which was needed for some parts of my film and also the focus came in handy. 
    The iPad 2. This was good because it allowed me to (like my Macbook) edit with iMovie but also I was able to do my coursework on this such as the Blog. This also allowed me to do some drawing for my blog such as 'the planning' for Question 5.
    Finally, the help of Youtube and Web 2.0 for my media research. This allowed me to put up my 'nearly finished' product on Youtube and I got responses from people around the UK. This was good because it means the viewers could see my film and then answer the questions listed. Also Web 2.0 in general was good, this allowed me to use my blog, upload on youtube and to help find my film research at the beginning. 

    Question 7

    Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

    This is a video that outlines the differences between my preliminary and my final media product.
    I firstly talk about how 3 scences from each film which are near enough the same. Then towards the end, I talk about how I have learnt some new things about going ahead with my final.

    Sunday 29 January 2012

    Orange and why film?

    Orange have spent a lot of money in bringing themselves into the film industry, however they do not produce films but they do support the audience of many.
    Orange have done many adverts that were based on a film pitch - for example, the A-Team (Orange).
    Also before a cinema screening, they now have a mobile phone warning clip before each film to remind viewers to switch off their phones but Orange have cleverly interpreted this because it is there market but also it is a form of advertisement for them. They also offer 2-for-1 deals on occasions such as their 'Orange Wednesday' deal which basically means 'if you go to the cinema on a wednesday to watch a movie then you can invite your friend for free'. Then to support this idea, they also have a 2-for-1 Pizza Express deal on a Wednesday, so if you buy a meal you get another free. Then they have also teamed up with iTunes to offer a 'Movie to Go' to all Orange customers every thursday by downloading it off the iTunes store supported by Apple. Then finally, for the past 14 years Orange have teamed up with the BAFTA'S (The British Academy of Film and Television Arts), they help sponsor the event but also they sponsor a very important award called the 'Rising Star' which is the award that is given to a newcomer within the industry. It has always been an award of which the members of the public could vote but since the takeover, votes are only counted if they are a mobile/broadband customer with Orange.

    Their is a possibility that Orange went into this market, one of which is that Orange has been know for bad customer service for their products and services within the telecom industry. So the only way Orange could find a way to show that they cared about their customers would be by aiming their marketing campaigns and deals to the 'Film lovers'. Orange had started these deals because they wanted to be customer friendly, by offering such deals to help their Orange customers. They then also want to be cutting edge and youthful. Overall, the Orange brand just wants to get out that cross-media branding.

    Orange had targeted film specifically because it is a huge market, it may be a smaller than the gaming market but they say films are more widely watched around the world than games played. Orange would see that film audiences were 'aspirational'. They also targeted the BAFTAS because it is a widely recognisable event, it contains many celebrities that are looking all dressed up for the cameras. Even  many who don't like films just watch the event down to the fact that the celebrities are wearing 'red carpet dresses' or 'tuxedos'. Orange are guaranteed publicity on this timed event because the brand is all over the place, especially on the famous boards where the celebrities pose. This is where Orange get good publicity because when the viewers look at the celebrities they also see the sponsors of which is Orange, scattered everywhere amongst the white board. This sort of event creates opportunity for press junkets and event journalism, this will help promote Oranges brand because it could be published in magazines and newspapers from journalists. Finally, they chose the 'Rising Star' award because this is the award given to anyone who is new to the film industry. If they receive the award and then receive many more in the future, it will relate back to when they won their first award which was sponsored by Orange, so that is a reason why they chose that specific award.

    Overall, their is a reason why they chose film because it is a huge market that is accessible to many and so advertising Orange would be suitable due to the fact they want to feel as a business, that they are customer friendly but also its brand image will be more widely recognised within the UK from their campaigns.

    Sony Mistakes

    Wednesday 25 January 2012

    Sony Holdings

    Orange and Film

    2 for 1 cinema tickets every Wednesday -
    "We believe that films are like popcorn - it's nice to have someone to share with. That's why every Wednesday we offer all our Orange customers 2 for 1 cinema tickets. Check out how it works below."
    1. The promotion applies to all screenings of films available to the paying public
    2. There is a maximum of one text ticket per Orange Subscriber per transaction per week
    *You can only get the deal if you are either a mobile customer, broadband customer or a mobile broadband customer.*

    Also, there is a -
    2 for 1 pizza at PizzaExpress by showing your Orange Wednesday text.

    Orange Film To Go -
    Orange has teamed up with Apple to give its customers the opportunityy to download a free film from iTunes every Thursday.
    1. You have 48 hours to complete viewing once the film starts playing.
    2. You need iTunes 10.0 or later and an iTunes UK account.
    3. Each code request for the week's film costs 35p

      Orange British Academy Film Awards -
      The Rising Star Award includes 5 nominations. At first all of the public were entitled to vote for their nominee however, Orange have now sponsored the Rising Star Award and only Orange customers can decide the winner.
      Orange also sponsor the event and have been for the past 14 years.

        Thursday 19 January 2012

        Sony's conglomerate and synergy

        Following speculation that a 'slim' model was in the pipeline Sony officially announced the PS3 CECH-2000 model on August 18, 2009 at the Sony Gamescom press conference.
        As part of the release for the slim model, the logo was changed from the "Spider-Man font" and capitalized PLAYSTATION 3 to a more traditional Playstation and Playstation 2 like 'PlayStation 3' logo with "PS3" imprinted on the console. Along with the console and logo redesign, the boot screen of all consoles changed from "Sony Computer Entertainment" to "PS3 PlayStation 3", with a new chime and the game start splashscreen being dropped. The cover art and packaging of games has also been changed to reflect the redesign due to the synergy between Sony and the new Spiderman 3 film.

        PlayStation 3′s designer – Teiyu Goto, revealed how the Spider-Man letter font came to be used on the PS3.
         “Take the PS2 logo – we created it to blend in with the rectangular shape of the console. Personally, I feel very strongly that the logo would not have looked right on PS3.
        If you really look at the PS3 contour carefully, it is rounded when viewing the console in profile. Rather than creating a typography with all the risks that entails, it was wiser to use the one from Spider-Man, for which Sony has the rights.
        It was also the wish of President Kutaragi, who insisted that I use this typography. In fact, the logo was one of the first elements he decided on and the logo may have been the motivating force behind the shape of PS3.”

        Sunday 15 January 2012

        Risk Assessment

        Risks Of Harm within my Film Production -

        • When shooting near roads we are aware that it is an offence to obstruct traffic, if we shoot chasing scenes or guns are involved within the production, we will consult local police.
        • We need to avoid placing cables across access and egress routes and fire doors due to the fact that we need to consider people with special needs. Also, cable control should, in order of preference be: fly cables above people or vehicles - ramp cables that cannot be flown - use warning signs to deal with residual risk.
        • We will go through a thorough risk assessment of such locations like the Olympic Stadium, St Pauls Cathedral and the BSA office etc. We will make sure that we have the owner of the building or their representative who will accompany us during filming.
        • We will make sure location lighting will be installed throughout in a way that prevents fire, tripping and electrical overload.
        There are around 63 risks to consider when shooting a film and here are a few I have picked out from that list -

        Lighting - work lights
        Work lighting should enable people to work without eye-strain or stress. Emergency lighting must be available if the general lighting fails.
        Lone working
        If working alone always let someone else know where you are and what time to expect you. Carry a mobile phone and prepare a check-in procedure and subsequent action plan.
        Manual handling
        Have all the members of your crew been briefed on correct manual handling techniques?
        Mines / excavations / caves / tunnels / quarries
        It is strongly recommended that you engage a mining engineer or suitable expert to accompany you at these locations.
        Night operation
        Be aware that people are generally less alert at night. Adjust your workload and expectations accordingly.
        Exposure to noise levels above 85db(A) can result in hearing damage. At this level normal conversation is difficult at 2 metres i.e. voices need to be raised.
        People with special needs
        This includes children as well as anybody with a visual, hearing or mobility impairment. Parents or guardians of children must be supplied with a copy of all risk assessments relevant to
        their child's involvement.
        Physical exertion
        Are your cast and crew physically capable of the tasks required?
        Radiation (Phone towers, transmitters)
        Are these likely to impact on your set? Consider physiological (will it give me cancer?) and technical (will it interfere with the kit?).
        If shooting on or near roads please be aware that it is an offence to obstruct traffic, if you need to redirect traffic you must consult local police.
        High visibility clothing must be considered.
        Do you have a contingency plan for adverse weather? Do you have protection / shelter for cast, crew and equipment in the event of rain or heat?
        Working patterns/working hours
        Have you scheduled regular breaks for your cast and crew? Does your shooting schedule allow enough time for steep, particularly before travel?


        The classification i have chosen is rated 15

        My movie will only consist of the following - Language, Violence, and Discrimination.
        This is due to the fact that my movie is an action adventure film and so it will consist of violence which will include guns and chases. It will include language because some aggressive terms will be used and strong language in areas. Finally Discrimination, the movie does not endorse any discriminatory language or behaviour.
        It is rated 15 for these purposes but also through my primary research, many have said that an action film  should be classified at the age of 15. Also in my opinion I believe it is an acceptable rating because it will be targeted to a more older generation too because of some older actors but also the plot could be confusing to a younger generation of 14 and under. Overall, I believe the classification of 15 is suitable for The Final Ceremony.

        (below is the guidelines for a rated 15 film) 


        Suitable only for 15 years and over

        No one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.


        The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.


        Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.


        Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

        Imitable behaviour

        Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.


        There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest  terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


        Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.


        Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


        No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.


        Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.